Association of va surgeons |
Eligibility: Students and Trainees interested in attending the AVAS annual meeting (including residents, fellows, medical students, podiatry students, undergraduate and graduate students) who identify as underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities in medicine (, LGBTQ, or are a current undergraduate who is a first-generation college student are eligible.
Award details: A total of up to 7 awards will be given. Each awardee will have the registration fees covered and will be provided a $1,000 reimbursement to offset travel and/or lodging costs.
Candidates will be asked to complete an application including a statement of interest (500 words) and provide a letter of recommendation from an AVAS sponsor. Candidates do NOT need to have an accepted scientific presentation on the agenda as we seek to attract interested students and trainees to VA surgery.
Award recipients will be recognized at the Presidential reception awards ceremony for the Annual Meeting April 6-8, 2025.
Previous winners are not eligible.
Note the AVAS Diversity Statement below:
The Association of VA Surgeons is pleased to announce the formation of a new ad-hoc committee: Diversity and Inclusion committee. The AVAS is committed to improving patient care, education and research in surgery within the VA healthcare system. To achieve that goal we have to advocate for diversification and promotion of equity. The mission of the newly formed D&I Committee is to ensure diverse representation in membership, governance and programming for the AVAS and keep matters of diversity and inclusion front and center during regular deliberations and decision making of the Executive council. The committee will examine the current status of diversity and minority representation in AVAS across its spectrum of activities. The eventual goal is to develop programs to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in AVAS and provide avenue for safe and meaningful dialogue on issues of discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, financial or social status.
Any questions should be directed to Sue Lentz at or call 206-794-7022.
Deadline March 1, 2025 at 5 pm ET.