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 Association of va surgeons

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The name of this organization shall be THE ASSOCIATION OF VA SURGEONS, hereinafter called the Association.
The purpose of this Association is to provide a forum to improve surgical patient care, education, and research in the Department of Veterans Affairs.
SECTION 1.      The Association shall consist of Active, Senior, Associate and Honorary Members.
SECTION 2.      Active Members shall be surgeons, surgical specialists and anesthesiologists affiliated with the Department of Veterans Affairs and for whom the VA affiliation is a significant part of their academic and professional identity.  Active members should hold certification by the American Board of their specialty or Fellowship in or certification by one of the Royal or American Colleges. Membership shall not be denied because of race, creed, color, or sex. Only Active Members shall be eligible for election to office or appointment to standing committees.
SECTION 3.      Senior Members shall be Active Members who have reached the age of 65 years or who have retired from affiliation with the Department of Veterans Affairs and for these or any other acceptable reasons have applied to the Executive Committee and have been approved for that status. Senior members shall be excused payment of dues. They shall not be entitled to hold office.
SECTION 4.      Associate Members shall be individuals having an interest in patient care, medical education, or research in surgery in the Department of Veterans Affairs (including but not limited to research scientists, physician assistants, perfusionists, nurses, nurse practitioners, practice administrators, data managers and other health care professionals). Active members who are terminating affiliation with the Department of Veterans Affairs by means other than retirement may apply to the Executive Committee for Associate Member status. Associate Members shall pay dues. They shall not be entitled to hold office.
SECTION 5.      Honorary Members may be selected from surgeons, surgical specialists, and anesthesiologists of unusual eminence in the profession proposed to the Association by the Executive Committee. They shall not be required to pay dues nor shall they be privileged to vote or hold office. They may, however, act in a consultative or advisory capacity to any officer or committee of the Association.
SECTION 6.      Candidate Membership: Candidate members shall be surgeons, surgical specialists, and anesthesiologists affiliated with the Department of Veterans Affairs who are candidates for certification by the American Board of their specialty or are members of the candidate group of the American College of Surgeons. Candidate members will receive mailings, may submit papers for presentation, and may attend meetings. They shall not be required to pay dues nor shall they be privileged to vote or hold office. An individual may be a candidate member for no longer than four (4) years.
The officers of the Association shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Recorder. These officers shall be elected by the membership of the Association at the Annual Meeting in Executive Session. The President, President-Elect, and Vice-President shall serve for a period of one year. The Recorder, Secretary and Treasurer shall each serve for terms of three years. The Officers shall take office at the close of the Annual Meeting.
SECTION 1.      An Executive Committee shall be the executive body of the Association.  It shall consist of the President who shall be Chairman and all other officers for the Association, the Chairman of each Standing Committee, and the Chairman of the Council of Chiefs of Surgical Service and the immediate past president of the Association. Any Past President of the Association, upon invitation of the President may be enrolled as a temporary member of the Committee to fill a vacancy.  Past Presidents of the Association shall be guests of the Association at Executive Committee meetings.
SECTION 2.      Standing and Ad Hoc Committees shall act in an advisory capacity to the Executive Committee.
SECTION 3.      The Standing Committees shall be the Membership Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Auditing Committee, the Awards Committee, the By-Laws Committee, the Program Committee, the Research Committee, the Council of Chiefs of Surgical Services, and the Communications Committee.
SECTION 4.      Ad Hoc Committees may be appointed by the President as required.

Association of VA Surgeons

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